Sustainable development. Climate change in Greenland

Made by: Sala, Tobias and of course Gustav


4 thoughts on “Sustainable development. Climate change in Greenland

  1. I think the content was good and you explain Everything pretty good, as well brought up some important Point about greenland. I do think though, it sounds more like a studio program sitting in a couch and talking than a news report.
    Some things were too unserious as well. Tobias could have looked more focused when listening to Sala and i do not think applauds are appropriate on a news report.
    Your setup was pretty good, however, i do think you could have changed the location once or twice at least. You could have sent someone to greenland to report about local issues.

  2. I think that this is a very good movie. I espacially liked the editing. The news overlay, the intro and the outro looked like they belonged in a real news program.
    If you would have had more time you could of used a green screen or a bakground that would have made the prduction a little bit better.
    There was nothing super big that you have to change because the information is interesting and the language was good.

  3. I believe this was a great news report and I feel you should all be proud of your work. There were a lot of great parts that i enjoyed. One of those parts was when Gustav explained what global warming and increased sea temperature would lead to, and how that would lead to negative effects on the ecosystems on Greenland.

    I also liked when Sala explained how New York and the Netherlands would lose huge areas to the increased levels of water. Or TobiasĀ“ intruduction on the subject.

    I feel there were a few grammar mistakes but nothing that made it hard to understand.

    Well done!

    //Noah Westerholm

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