2 thoughts on “Sustainable Development: Ulvön

  1. You movie contains a lot of good information which can be hard to find about a local place such as Ulvön. You’ve brought up the Baltic Sea’s condition and also how the toxins end up there. You also bring up a good analogy that gives an insight on how the toxins transfers and builds up to big amounts the further up the food chain you go. Then you explain how a small disturbance in the ecosystem actually have a big impact on the amount of environmental toxins. You represent the risk of consuming these toxins and how we humans get affected by them for example lowered immune system and cancer. You explain that this will take some time to solve and we have to start now.
    I know it’s hard to get all the information since the time limit of five minutes is a short time to represent a tropic this big. But I would’ve liked to see some more information about the projects the government is leading to clean the Baltic Sea and explain what regular people can do themselves to help lowering the toxins in our Sea. Overall you’ve managed to make a great informational and well composed film. Good job!
    /Isak Månström, NA15

  2. Good job guys!
    I felt that you included most of the essential facts around the subject like what the problem is, what causes it, how it spreads and how they affect the wildlife. However I would have liked to hear a bit more about what both we ordinary people and the government can do to prevent these problems and save the baltic sea.
    I think you that the quality of the movie wasn’t the best, you could have tried to keep the camera from shaking and also being as quiet as possible while filming, on the plus side you had a good connection with the camera and it didn’t look like you were reading of a paper most of the time, you also made it clear how the toxins travel up the food chain and how the predators often gets affected the most, including us humans with consequences such as lower immune systems and cancer.
    Overall I think that you made a decent movie considering the time limit of both the project and the movie it self and also that you probably got the least interesting and most difficult subject of them all.

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