4 thoughts on “Toxic emission

  1. I really liked how you built up your movie, first intruducing the issue, second explaining why it is a problem and how it affects us humans, and third giving good examples of how to stop it. I think that all of us have heard about heavy metals at least once. They talk about it everywhere and we often get warned about eating certain kinds of fish containing it. After watching your movie I really understod why heavy metals are so dangerous for living species, and especially longlived ones-like us. Heavy metals wander through the food chain , until it finaly accumulates in the top predators. The metals are similar to a lot of substanses in our bodies; for example TBT acts like hormones and provokes the fishs fertility and vitality. Other metals can even transmit through the mother to the fetal, and that really shows us how hard it will be to get the metals out of the system. For years after we have stopped emitting heavy metals, they will still remain in the fish, and generations of fish that never have come in contact with any algea containing heavy metals, will still have it in their bodies. They will inherit it from their parents. Your film really made me understand that we need to stop our emissions now. Otherwise, the amount of heavy metals will increase to seriously dangerous levels, and remain in the oceans killing fish for years. Maybe then it will be too late to stop it.
    Another thing that I liked about the movie was your global perspective. All seas ar linked together and heavy metals from far away gets caught by streams and transported all around the world, to the Baltic sea for example.
    I think that you did a great job //Ylva

  2. I want to begin with saying well done all of you! Your news report is very well done and it seems like you had a good collaboration in the group.
    I could see that you had a problem narrowing down all the information since you talked fast and your movie went over the time limit. At some parts you talked so fast that it became hard to keep up with all the information but overall you had a good pronunciation and a great vocabulary. You use a lot of biological terms but some of them are hard to understand and a further explanation could have been needed.
    The link between how the factory emissions end up in the herring and how we are affected by this is very well presented. You brought up causes from local places and also how factory emissions from all over the world contributes to the toxic emissions.
    Since the fish, especially the herring, contains a high fat level it absorbs the toxic emissions very well and when humans eat the fish toxics are stored in us. According to Sweden’s national food administration women, adolescent and children should only eat fish with high toxic emission like dioxins and PCB two or three times a year because it is dangerous for our health.
    The biggest problem is that the solution is in the hands of the governments, the people can’t stop factories from releasing their emissions. Unfortunately governments’ don´t take environmental problems in first hand, and especially not problems that mostly affect other countries. So as an individual the best thing you can do is to point out the problem to those who have power to make a change. Of course you can make sure that you don’t use toxic colors on the underside of your boat and don’t litter in the sea. It won’t make a big impact but every small step in the right direction is an improvement.
    I think that you have presented the movie well. It has a good structure with all the facts presented in an order that makes it easy to understand. You also solved the technical solutions very well by filming by the lake so it looked like the Baltic Sea (maybe it was filmed by the Baltic Sea?).
    One thing I thought about is that you talk a lot about how the toxic emissions affects the herrings and other fishes but I think that you also could have included how it affects the Baltic Sea as an ecosystem. How are other species except fishes affected? Do the plants nutrient salt become toxic? If, how is the plants in the Baltic sea affected by it?
    Except that I have nothing to add. Pat yourself on the shoulder because you did a great job!

  3. Nicely done. Reading the previous comments above, a lot of my thoughts have already been covered, but i’ll give this a try. Your film was very informative, I had a very easy time understanding the problems and what we humans can do to support the current situation. However, I feel like you could have split up the parts, so that you girls didn’t talk for such a long time without interruption. Maybe you could have sneaked a few questions in between the different subjects? That would have made it a lot easier to keep things apart. On the other hand, I want to give all of you credit for staying focused for so long and not being script-dependent at all (yes, I know you were looking at the script, but you kept good eye contact and still reached out to the audience). Your pronunciation was also really good, and even though you were tripping on the words a few times, you recovered, which is very proffesional! / I.H

  4. the film in generla covers teh subject quite well, it brings up both the problems, their cause and solutions to combat these problems. you keep the attention of the audience well most of the film, tough the part filmed by the lake was difficult to understand when the wind increased in strength. you brought up both local-(toxification through local factories and farms) as well as global(toxification of the large oceans and how it also impacts Sweden when other countries pollute the world) problems. during some parts your voices were somewhat low and the attention was diverted from the content covered to simpy trying to amke out the words. this gave less room for reflection during the film but over all it was well made with some technical flaws but made up with it through good content and use f correct wording and good sentances.

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