6 thoughts on “Consumption – Nigeria

  1. speak with more confidence and change your choice of words to suit the situation. do not speak like you’re speaking to friend when you are playing a news anchor.
    pay more attention to which content and what problems you bring up. Some things, like nuclear powerplants, seem like they are very disconnected to the topic at hand. for example you could bring up carbon powerstations instead which put a larger strain on the environment and have more to do with the topic of garbage containment and disposal of said garbage, if you wish to bring up energy production in the first place.

  2. Well done! In my opinion you can see that you worked as a group and therefor the result came out better. I am extremely impressed of how you managed to fit in all of the facts that you did, especially since my group had a problem with it.
    Even though the film is short, you do present a large amount of interesting facts which made me listen. You manage to teach us about the subject on different perspectives, both the problem with consumption and the psychological reasons, but also the impact this has on the population on the other side of the earth. I think the connection between those two are very well written and put together, giving us watchers to get a better insight.
    The connection between production and water scarcity is also very well presented. You manage to place the facts in a very smart way, making me understand very well without investigating too much time in details. This way, your film involves a large amount of facts on the short amount of time, while still being interesting. I assume that you would have brought up more details of there was more time.
    The burning of technological devices are because of the large amount of emissions, both a global and a local enviromental issue. These enormous piles, containing garbage from the western world, grows by each day. Actually, they grow so much that the workers has to set fire to the rest, the masses that do not contain cupper or any other useable materials, to recieve more space to take care of more. Even though the majority are aware of the impact this has on their health, they have to set fire to these things to provide themselves. Breathing in all of the nitrogen oxides and carbon dioxides emissions can cause different types of cancer and lung diseases. These gases are also acidifying the air, which means that not only the workers gets affected but the entire population since gases blend with water and rise into the air. The impact this has it therefor global and affects us all, even though the western world denies this problem in every way possible.
    You also mention several solutions and the way these would help the development of the climate. Investing in quality goods instead of quantity would both save us money and help lower the emissions. Good thoughts there! Maybe there could also be a subject on a more global level. Overlook the customs to impund the goods before it reaches the third world or better laws? The recycling system could also improve, making the citizens recycle more, both in Sweden and in countries like Nigeria.

    Alva W

  3. Speaking as a member of a group that were short of time I think it’s incredible how you could fit all that information into a five minute movie. I watched the film, and couldn’t believe that the first two scenes took less than a minute, whilst we could barely say a line without wasting thirty seconds. If I sort out all the biological terms I would get a complete list of main points from which I could recite the whole film again.
    I liked the way you spoke most of the time. Your texts were obviously scripted, but at some points it seemed to flow as easily and effortlessly as if you knew it all and answered the questions on site.
    When the lines weren’t on point you tried to remember it all instead of than having a script nearby. This made it possible for you to maintain good eye contact with the camera and with each other.
    You didn’t fool me though – I knew you weren’t really in Nigeria. But taking some of the scenes outside was a good move, especially since you avoided any wind disturbance. Although later the camera man should’ve seen Axel in the background (during the interview with Baran and Isak) and moved a bit. Also, I didn’t understand some of the angles and scenery. Why did Sara speak in front of a door? Why was she almost seen from above when she was interviewing?
    Your solutions were a bit lacking in useful information. They were thrown in at the end, instead of being a main part of the movie. And they were all about prohibiting the problem, but what shall we do to get rid of the already existing dumps? Right now they’re not only catching fire as you say, but are set on fire on purpose to reduce the size of them – only so that the workers there can stock up new loads of garbage.
    I would totally go and see this movie on the big screen, good job!

  4. Your speak fluent and coherent English and you’re using many scientific and biological terms. It seems like every statement you make is factually based, which is fantastic. You also bring up psychological theories that are relevant to consumtion.

    You also bring up the fundamental ideas of sustainable development itself which means people who aren’t knowledgable about the subject can still understand what you’re saying.

    You could go more in-depth when talking about the consequences. For example, instead of simply saying it affects the animals reproduction rate you could also explain why this is bad and what effects this can have on other animals who aren’t directly affected by the chemicals. Like previous comments have stated you might have been able to use a better example than nuclear powestations, since they leak very few greenhouse gases and the effect of the warm water being let out is miniscule compared to other factors such as carbon-based greenhouse gases.

    You present some good solutions for the problems, and you have an explanation behind each one which provides a lot of depth.

    Production wise the film is great. There are few errors when it comes to the recording or editing

  5. You were very time efficient and you brought up a lot of facts and information in only five minutes time.
    You spoke really fluently during interviews and it didn’t feel like it was scripted.

    Since my group had the same subject I already knew about most of what you said in the video and therefore I didn’t really learn anything new. I do however think that others will learn a lot from this.

    The audio quality was good and you spoke clearly throughout the video.

    So overall I think you did a really good job with the movie, and I found it most informative.

    /Hasse Y.M

  6. I think you guys have made a very good job with this film. First I want to say that your pronounciation was were very good. You used a lot of different terms and biological words. And then you were very good introducing the main subject in the film. I think that you have found a lot of good information about the Dumpster in Nigeria, such as how nitrogen oxides and the carbon dioxides emissions can cause problems. You also made your film interesting, which makes the viewer feel more curious.
    Even though you had a short amount of time making this film, you have gathered a lot, interesting information from different perspectives. Regarding the recording, I think you did a really good job. But you could have done it even better too.

    But overall, you made a very good short film!

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