9 thoughts on “NNC News, Consumption

  1. Well done – good movie. It had great information and solutions. However, the best solution in my opinion, is to help the poor countries. Imagine if all countries were like-worth and consumed as much as any other contry. This way, everyone could together find a good solution, such as making newer products (more expensive as compensation) having a longer life time. If we evolve new products that doesn’t brake as easy and works for years, the consumption won’t be such a big issue because the consumption will be lowered if we don’ consume as much, (alot of logich included). The biggest problem to this solution would be greedy people who just seeks money, making cheap and durable stuffs (such as a cellphone) that people will use instead, but not as durable as the more expensive ones. Therefore there must be a law for this.

  2. I think that this news show was really well put together, really nice editing and such which gave it an overall appealing touch to me. It contained good information on what the problem was, in this case the consumption and i think that it was good to both get a reporter on spot and get experts in the studio to tell the audience. It was nice to hear that this helped the people in and around with jobs and reducing poverty. However the fact that it is increasing the greenhouse effect is sad since therefore it cant go on forever and help this people. I think that your information on how to make this better was good since you talked about making quality products which would in turn lead to less garbage disposal since the things will rarely break. Overall a really good and informational news show!

  3. Good informational movie. You brought up a bunch of interesting facts, consequences and solutions to the growing problem of consumption. You explained why it is a problem, how we create the problem and how we could solve the problem. You had very well developed texts and good information. Your sources, in my opinion, are quite accurate. Now, to the technical aspects of this video. Your intro is most appealing. It is well made and is quite advanced by our standards. The lighting though, could need a rework. Most of your reporters were lit from their left side and so, a shadow was cast on their faces, obscuring their faces. Also, a slight rework of your reporter’s background could be done. The reporter was quite down low on the screen relative to the studio. Authentic radio delay made the whole thing more interesting and life-like. The delay could’ve been just a bit shorter though, as not to keep the audience waiting. The last issue I noticed, was that your reporters, guests and news anchor kept looking just an inch below the camera. I suppose that a note, as to help you remember, was placed just below the camera. That could’ve been a bit more discreet It didn’t seem like you interacted actively with the other people, but instead, something about an inch below the camera.

    In short. A very good informational movie with all the facts and solutions one could ever want or need to save the world. Could need some technical rework though.

  4. A well done introduction from a technical perspective and a good presentation about what the news reportage would be about. It gets you right into the problem of an expensive world consumption. I also like that you base the reportage theme on a real news show which made the whole news show more attractive. You also had a good and clear information that covered the whole problem and the background fact was explained well and understandable. The consequences of the problem was presented well. You mentioned how the consumption has for impact on the people, the environment and society, which gives a clear view. The solution to the increasing greenhouse effect and consumption was thought true. In this case the solution was to make quality products that would rarely break and I think it’s a great start to begin with because it would lead to a decreasing garbage disposal as you mentioned. To summarize all this you made a great work on this project in all aspects.

  5. Nice guys!!
    I think you did a well done job in all aspects. The introduction was from a technical perspective, very well done! I also really appreciated the depth of your scientific information. It wasn’t only about facts, it was also about giving your own opinions about the problem.
    If I look at the first part with Elin and Henrik I think you guys talked slowly and you talked clearly which made it easy to understand the information and catch all the words. That is one of your other really professional aspects! It felt very real and this was also because of the angle of the camera and you looked straight into it.
    From a scientific perspective you explained information about the social, economic and global problem and you covered all these parts widely. At some parts it was hard to hear everything but with headphones on there were no problems. One question that crossed my mind while I saw your news reportage was: “What could actually be done about this problem?” Because as you mentioned in your presentation, the developing countries have problems with how to manage their waste material, and it might be hard for Sweden and other countries to really help them and help them to decompose their waste.
    To handle waste and to work at dump stations is in my opinion, a social problem. The people in the developing countries need money because of the country’s situation and this leads to both children and adults working in dump stations which gives them a low amount of money and also health diseases.
    The economic problem and one problem that were are too involved with to really see it how it is, is the fact that the companies manufactures products that are meant to break just to make us buy new phones, clothes and etc. As you mentioned it’s all about the money and the company’s attitude to earn as much moneys as possible. This brings the problem to a new level and makes it global and when it comes to sustainable development it affects as ALL. It’s about the earth and people should try to think like that.
    To summary: You made a well done film and it contained many interesting aspects! You could have talked about the consequences more but maybe you didn’t because of the limited time.
    // Ellen Rosenblad

  6. Great job!
    According to me, you have brought up every important subject that needed to be discussed and that information was, in my eyes, equally divided among you. I think that you used the amount of time well and the information in your movie was well adapted to the project and the ones that listened. All of you had a great English, though it seems that you had some technical problems at some points.

    I agree with you that it is money that is the problem with consumption. But I also think that the responsibility lies with the industrialized countries. Because we are the ones in “need” for more, we are the ones that buy more and therefore we are the ones that are responsible. What’s so horrible is that people but things that are unnecessary or they buy stuff just because it is the newest, popular or fits the social expectations. As you said, this leads to consequences that effect the whole earth so the questions is; does the earth we live on mean so little to us that we can’t resist buying things we don’t need?

  7. In my opinion you have included all the facts about your subject. You described in detail about consumption and informed what it means. Also different aspects and that the problem with consumption is the money. I don’t think that you have missed any facts.
    You said that the consumption leads to consequences that effect the whole world. As you said in the beginning one reason is fabrics that in porpuse constructs material that doesn’t last as long.

    The technical was good during the whole movie, but the sound in the part when the reporter on location talked way very low, so I couldn’t hear all the facts.
    Nice work!
    /Fanny Werlevik

  8. I think you have made a great movie, it almost felt like watching real news on TV. The intro looks really fancy and it caught my attention. The way you edited the movie with good looking graphics gave the film a serious and professional look. You presented the topic in a way that made it really interesting and you had a good example with the phones that are made to break which is a problem I think many people in industrial countries can relate to. The part when you talk to the reporter in Lagos is really good because you bring up how consumption can affect people who live in developing countries. I think it’s easy for us to forget that someone has to pay the price for our consumption. Faking the delay between the studio and the reporter makes it look even more professional. The way you compare developing countries and industrial countries is interesting and easy to understand. I also think you have some great ideas about how to lower the consumption. Although the film is only 5 minutes long I think you bring up all of the important things about consumption and how it affects the environment.
    /Erik Adolfsson

  9. I think this was a really good movie, you had good editing and I loved the studio you were in! You explained the problem in informative way. You talked slowly and the pronunciation of the group was really good and that made it a lot easier to understand. I thought that you used a good scientific language and you didn’t have any unnecessary words. It is really sad to hear how this dumps generate a lot of carbon dioxide which leads to the increasing greenhouse effect. I really think that we should do something about this but you didn’t really say how I could help the people down there in Nigeria to help them get rid of the dumps, maybe there isn’t a way?
    Something positive about the dumps that you talked about were that they gave people jobs and money so for the people down there they maybe see the dumps as good thing. It is a thing where they can work and generate money for their homes. But for us it is just a bad thing because the only thing the dumps do for us is increasing the greenhouse effect.
    The solution you gave to make quality products that doesn’t break. Sounds like a really good step in the right direction because that would lead to less garbage disposal. So to summarize this I think you have made a fantastic good job and I really love the editing you have done.

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